Monday, June 22, 2009

Rush Rush Relax

It was all rush rush , but when the day arrived I had a lovely afternoon sitting in the sun and chatting with some other wonderful artists at the BabyCheeks Cute and Small art show.

The owners Deana and Delores had set up the show just outside the doors of their beautiful store in South Surrey. I found the turnout to be small so sales were pretty slow -which was a bit of a bummer, but now I have some inventory for my Etsy site which I am in the process of starting up.

I was lucky to have the help from my 'seamstress' mother in law Gayle, and friends and family who happily took Oskar on outings when Stefan was napping. And Clete definitely picked up the slack. Thank You.

It makes me realize how much time I wasted before I had children.