Sunday, May 2, 2010

Trey is my nephew

I am truely inspired by my cousin who organizes this event........ and everything else she does. I, on the other hand are sadly overwhelmed by small tasks as designing the poster. I find it challenging to find the time to organize a bbq for friends, let alone serving food and drinks to hundreds of people- and music, and activities, and auctions. I would like to think that I would do the same if I was fighting for the health of my child. I hope I could.

Tacos for Trey was a big sucess and a blast.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is what makes me smile

I just found these hidden in some folder on the computer.
Oskar took them on his camera last summer.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

what to say- a year has gone by

I have been meaning to write for months.

It felt like every time I was about to upload a picture, write a post, something else came up. I feel like as a stay at home mom I should have hours and hours everyday to do a couple of simple things. But then I remember I have to sign the kids up for a class, organize a craft for tomorrow, plan meals, grocery shop and make dinner for tonight, maybe exercise, clean up, pay bills and try and fit in some time for a glass of wine and catch up with Clete. And these are the things that are more important right now. I will do the pictures and post tomorrow. And so nearly a year has gone by. Sometimes it is nice to enjoy the wonderful nuances of the day and not worry about documenting them and worrying about if the lighting or angle is right?

It has been a busy year. Full of many ups and downs and many adventures.